
8 اردیبهشت 1403 - خواندن 3 دقیقه - 168 بازدید

Nanotechnology in the field of medicine is more commonly known as nanomedicine. Currently, this technology is used in various fields of medicine, but one of the most important fields of nano medicine is related to heart problems, because it has had very positive effects on it so far.

Using nanotechnology instead of surgery, which is an invasive procedure: it is much less dangerous and there is no need to operate large body tissues to cure the disease. If there are nano drugs, this can be solved much easier. For example, in people who have heart disease or have had a heart attack, their heart is weak and sometimes fails, but the problem is not severe enough to require surgery. For this purpose, the use of nanomedicines is the most appropriate option.

Among other cases, the use of nanotechnology by a group of engineers, doctors and material scientists at MIT University is in the repair of the heart. In collaboration with tissue engineers and with the help of gold nanowires, they have been able to repair the damaged part of the heart and the non-functional and dead tissue. replace Magnesium nanoparticles are also used, which have the ability to pass through the tissue and go to the damaged tissue and repair it.

Despite the great impact of this work, we must know that it is not so simple to do. Heart cells cannot be easily made in the laboratory, and adding nanomaterials to regenerate heart cells as well as synchronizing cells with each other to prevent rejection of cells by the body is a very important issue. Even after passing through the stage of making cells, it is necessary that the new cells work exactly in the right direction and in line with the previous cells, and that there is no disharmony in the activity of the tissues. In the early examples of this process, because the fabric made was not a good conductor, it caused problems and could not be used well; But in subsequent efforts and by adding gold nanowires, the problem of conductivity, which has a direct relationship with the expansion and contraction of the heart, was largely resolved.

NanomedicineHeart failuresurgeryheart repairGold nano wires