an introduction to entrepreneurial management perspectve

30 فروردین 1403 - خواندن 4 دقیقه - 50 بازدید

An introduction to the entrepreneurial management perspective: A comprehensive proposal for future research
Author: Dr. Arad Rashidi

1. Introduction
Entrepreneurial management acts as the cornerstone of innovation and economic progress and causes the growth and sustainability of businesses in various industries. This proposal seeks to delve deeply into the multifaceted realm of entrepreneurial management and provides a comprehensive exploration of its definition, general objectives, historical underpinnings, and avenues for future research.

2. Definition of entrepreneurial management
Entrepreneurial management includes strategic planning, organizational leadership, and operational execution used by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial organizations to identify, exploit, and exploit opportunities in dynamic markets. This set of activities includes a range of activities, from opportunity identification and resource allocation to risk reduction and value creation, all aimed at strengthening competitive advantage and long-term sustainability.

3. Goals and objectives
At its core, entrepreneurial management is guided by a set of overarching goals:
Innovation: Stimulating innovation through the development of groundbreaking products, services and business models that disrupt existing markets and create new value propositions.
Value creation: maximizing value for stakeholders by optimally utilizing resources, optimizing operational processes, and delivering offerings that align with customer needs and preferences.
Agility and Adaptability: Cultivating organizational agility and adaptability to navigate uncertainty, capitalize on emerging opportunities, and pivot in response to evolving market dynamics.
Sustainability: balancing short-term profit with long-term sustainability by integrating environmental, social and governance considerations into strategic decision-making and operational actions.

4. Tracing the evolution of entrepreneurial management
The evolution of entrepreneurial management is a rich narrative with historical significance and transformative milestones:
Antecedents: The earliest manifestations of entrepreneurship can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where enterprising individuals engaged in trade, craftsmanship, and exploration to satisfy the needs and aspirations of society.
Industrial Revolution: The advent of the Industrial Revolution heralded a paradigm shift in entrepreneurial activity, as mass production, mechanization, and technological innovations paved the way for modern business practices and management principles.
Postwar Era: The postwar era saw the rise of entrepreneurship as a driving force behind economic growth and prosperity, with pioneers such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Andrew Carnegie shaping industries and shaping the landscape of entrepreneurship.
Digital Age: The dawn of the digital age has ushered in a new era of entrepreneurial activity characterized by technological disruption, digital innovation, and the expansion of startup ecosystems and entrepreneurial hubs around the world.
5. Exploring future frontiers
As we look to the future, several promising avenues point to researchers and practitioners alike:
Digital Entrepreneurship: Exploring the transformative impact of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things, on entrepreneurship, business models, and industry dynamics.
Social Entrepreneurship: Exploring the role of entrepreneurship in addressing pressing social challenges, from poverty alleviation and access to health care to environmental protection and social justice.
Ecosystem Dynamics: Understanding the complex interplay of factors that shape entrepreneurial ecosystems, including institutional support, access to capital, talent dynamics, and cultural norms.

Corporate Ventures: An examination of the strategies and structures that enable established companies to foster a culture of innovation, intrapreneurship, and corporate venture capital that drives sustainable growth and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving marketplace.

As a result, entrepreneurial management is at the link of innovation, opportunity and value creation and acts as a catalyst for economic progress and social progress. By elucidating its foundational principles, tracing its historical evolution, and charting future research directions, this proposal seeks to inspire scholarly research and practical insights into the dynamic and ever-evolving field of entrepreneurship management.

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